Hello World.

Hello internet, my name is Carlos Torres, and this is my site.
I'm not sure if I will use a CMS/Application to run this site or not, but as you can tell, here we are with just basic HTML.

Love letter to Linewize

Dear Linewize,

I know my domain is newly registered, but please do not block it. This page will not hold anything wrong. Only thing it might have is other links to other pages, and maybe a few tools I want to develop sooner like a polished in-browser ffmpeg powered media converter

Thank you,
Carlos Torres

PowersShell Script!

So, I cheffed up a little script, mostly thanks to the power of AI, and a bit of common sense, to install/fetch the following programs

and maybe more in the future, but for now, this is what I have. If you wanna add more, feel free to open up a pull request at the repo

also, you can create an issue on the repo, or use this google form to request software.

To use this script, execute this lovely one liner, that I painfully handcrafted with my bare hands.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope CurrentUser; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/pyhuee/glowing-software/raw/main/GetSoftware.ps1" -OutFile "GetSoftware.ps1"; ./GetSoftware.ps1

well, that's enough for now. last updated Wed Feb 15, 9:02 AM.